Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
My Mother Died Two Weeks Ago
by Perry innone of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
Island Man
Submit a "letter to the editor" post to your local newspaper about this issue. Explain to them how it is that your mother died 2 weeks ago without you knowing - because of the JW practice of shunning, your mother and all her friends refuse to communicate with you. Use this as an opportunity to publicly expose JW cult behavior. -
by pixel in1. the life and ministry meeting will proceed as outlined in the life and ministry meeting workbookand according to the instructions that follow.. 3. treasures from gods word:.
the theme and an outline of two or three main points are provided in thelife and ministry meeting workbook.
this should be assigned to a qualified elder.. 6. concluding comments: 3 minutes or less.
Island Man
Island Man, the talks given by brothers that are not ministerial servants or elders have been removed. This is a MAJOR change! I'm sure that more than a few will not like this at all. Obviously, this is a move to control absolutely everything that is said from the platform
Actually, those talks have been gone for quite some months, replaced with seated presentations using the NWT.
by pixel in1. the life and ministry meeting will proceed as outlined in the life and ministry meeting workbookand according to the instructions that follow.. 3. treasures from gods word:.
the theme and an outline of two or three main points are provided in thelife and ministry meeting workbook.
this should be assigned to a qualified elder.. 6. concluding comments: 3 minutes or less.
Island Man
It's the same old TMS just under a different name and a slightly adjusted format. All the hype about the TMS being done away with was wrong! LOL. It would have been more accurate to say that the service meeting was done away with - in reality it has just been drastically curtailed to about 15 minutes in length, with some of its features - the offer for the month - being incorporated into the Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry segment.
The Service meeting has always been a bit redundant given that it dealt with skills that were also covered by the TMS. What really separated the service meeting from the TMS is that the TMS dealt with basic generic teaching and preaching skills while the service meeting was more about higher order teaching and preaching skills - knowing when and how to use the basic skills learned in the TMS - and offering specific literature
I think the biggest change has been the logistical combining of the three meetings into one so you only have to sing twice on a thursday instead of 3 times. That adjustment bought them a couple extra minutes
For those of you who is contemplating leaving the Borg, consider...
by James Mixon ini know it's not easy for you to walk it's a big decision, family and etc.. if you are afraid consider this.
i have been here for a few years and i can count on one hand from posters who made the statement, i can't take it anymore, i'm going back.. what is it that members here have given up their family and friends to be free.
is it so we can have sinful fun, we are our own person and no one will tell us what to do?.
Island Man
"The stories of people immediately becoming promiscuous drug users after walking out of the KH are just made up from the pages of the WTS."
Some ex-JWs do self-destruct upon leaving the Watchtower so I wouldn't doubt the veracity of some of the negative experiences used by Watchtower. Some born-ins, because of being repressed their whole lives as JWs, engage in reckless "sin binging" upon leaving. It's like they're trying to enjoy all the things they couldn't when they were JWs. But they're not typical of those who leave.
The problem is that these minority reckless individuals are used by Watchtower as if they represent the typical scenario of those who leave. These negative experiences are given prominence while those ex-JW who move on to live ordinary successful lives are never mentioned by Watchtower.
First thoughts on "new" meeting...
by konceptual99 inhad a quick look at the workbook and flicked through the sample meeting video.. the increased use of video shows the trend for more centralised dissemination of "best practice" .
sure there isn't really a "school" any more and the format is a bit different but i think those that called it as the same old crap just in new package got it pretty much right.
Island Man
It seems like a lot of ink and effort will be going into the production of these monthly work-books - no wonder they switched to printing one issue of the Watchtower or Awake every other month. They simply wouldn't have the man-power and money to print that fancy workbook every month in addition to printing a copy of both magazines every single month. -
can I have my p.m.s deleted?
by sowhatnow ini would greatly appreciate it , please please, to have all my private messages deleted.
and ill thank you much!.
[there is also one post id like to have removed if possible,.
Island Man
can I have my p.m.s delted?
Yes. Just get a hysterectomy - or wait until you reach menopause.
Has The Shit Finally Hit The Fan For The Governing Body Liars?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini say you betcha!.
the gb has been hiding their shit for a long time but finally it has hit the fan and it is all over them..
Island Man
Has the shit finally hit the fan?
Yes. But the GB are denying that it's shit. They're saying it's chocolate rained down from heaven as a blessing from Jehovah. And most JWs believe it because pride and indoctrination prevents them from admitting to themselves that it's actually shit. And even if they do admit to themselves that it's shit they don't dare voice that opinion the hearing of other JWs because they know all who complain about smelling shit get accused of being ungrateful, disloyal, murmurers on their way to apostasy. So everyone praises the GB's new choco-shit rained down as blessings from Jehovah.
Anybody have any "REAL" experiences of spirit/demon activity? I'll explain.
by runForever ini know there is a lot of people on here that will say it is pure make believe but i am interested if anybody has had any real concrete things happen such as something moving or something appearing in the mirror etc.. anything just post it up here even if it wasn't much.
please give a little context as to the situation..
Island Man
"Unsuspecting coincidence is a known fact"
Yes, the word coincidence exists because coincidences occur. Coincidences are relatively rare and can be very remarkable, but they're not impossible or miraculous.
In fact, if we lived in a world where coincidences never occurred, that would be something far more remarkable and incredible as it would represent a seemingly selective suspension of the mathematical laws of probability.
It's important to note too that coincidences and seemingly rare occurrences often seem rare because of our own ability as humans to attach meaning and see patterns in events. To illustrate what I mean by that consider the following:
What are the odds that I will achieve the following sequence of numbers if I rolled a 6-sided die 11 times: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ? the odds are 1/6 to the power of 11; or 1 in 362,797,056. That seems like a very rare event doesn't it? One might even argue that it is unlikely that you'd get that specific sequence of numbers if you kept rolling the die constantly in sequences of 11 for 10 years!
Now here is the kicker: take the same die and roll it 11 times and record the sequence you get. Do you know what is the odds of getting that particular sequence - in fact any sequence of 11 numbers? It's 1/6 to the power of 11; or 1 in 362,797,056 - the exact same probability as the "special" symmetrical sequence mentioned above! Yes. Every time you roll a die 11 times the particular number that comes up is always a very rare event having a probability of 1 in 362,797,056!
But because our brain is wired to look for patterns and because we have ascribed the significance of order and symmetry to the first pattern, and because we are looking to get a preconfigured pattern, getting the first pattern would seem incredible. And yet, every other pattern that we get is just as unlikely, just as fortuitous, but we disregard them because they have no special significance to us . . . unless we get 362,797,056 volunteers to engage in a lottery-like game where each one writes down a different one of the unique 11-digit patterns corresponding to each of the 362,797,056 numeric combinations that can result from rolling the die 11 times in succession. Someone is bound to win!
Are Circuit Overseers next?
by Londo111 inlast year saw the elimination of the district overseer...and circuit overseers now must retire at 70. how long until the circuit overseer is no more?
of course, the role might still exist, they would simply not get paid.
they would have to care for their own expenses.
Island Man
I predict that the number of circuit overseers will be reduced and C.O. visits will become less frequent - maybe once per year instead of twice. -
It's easy to gloat about WTS problems ...
by Simon in.. and fun too !
:d. what?
were you expecting a "but"?
Island Man
It's easy to gloat about WTS problems
... but it's a lot more satisfying to be a part of it!
8/8 Disassociate!